Monday, August 30, 2010

Fat Guy Doing Absolutely Nothing

Well to be fair he's eating a bag of chips. Just posting this video to inspire a little bit of motivation for you guys, to, you know, not end up like this guy. This should be the rock bottom indicator for all you lazy procrastinators out there who just can't get shit done. If you start looking remotely like this dude, layin' on your back, munching on a bag of crunchies and doin' absolutely nothing, SLAP YOURSELF IN THE FACE, and go do something.


  1. You now have the song of storms stuck in your head

    > v ^ > v ^

  2. this guy is living the dream!

  3. haah your blog is great bro
    i'll be checking it daily

  4. Tragic. But this will never be me, for I have a fast metabolism.

  5. just got your comment about buying a dual core AMD a few years ago...

    actually, I still have an AMD 64x2 (4200) and it works fine. It just depends on what you want to do with your computer ;)

    but then again, i still highly recommend moving towards the newer i7 mobos and chipsets. it's hella fast!! :D

    greetings again from

    come vote for my friend's brother!

  6. he did more than i did today. he got featured in your blog.

  7. Lol very funny. I bet his bed shakes like a vibrating fat loss chair, and he sheds a good pound a week, regaining that in a day.

  8. poopin' da shit outta this blowq!

    smoochies :*

  9. funny stuff some days i feel this guys style
